Solar for Bedouin Schools
Partner: Gigawatt Global
Negev, Israel, June 2022-2024
Budget: $75,000

Empowering a Bedouin Village with Clean Energy

This project presents a unique opportunity to pilot a solar power solution in a kindergarten located in El’rara, a low-income, unrecognized Bedouin village in the Negev desert. Replacing the current polluting diesel generator with solar panels would not only provide clean energy for the school’s 120 pre-schoolers but also serve as a springboard for wider adoption.

Unlocking Scalable Change

A successful pilot within 120 days can unlock Israeli government funding to equip 26 additional schools, reaching approximately 10,000 students. We’ve already secured a government decision allocating funds specifically for scaling this program upon successful demonstration.

Building Bridges, Building Futures

Beyond clean energy, this project fosters collaboration and trust between Jewish and Bedouin communities, as well as with the Israeli government. This success story can pave the way for future initiatives promoting peacebuilding and sustainable social and economic development.